We will be closing at 2:00 PM Friday, January 10, 2025, for our annual company Christmas. We'll be back to our regular business hours on Monday, January 13, 2025.
Don't forget - our drop boxes are always open!
Our recent partnership with GrowingDeer has introduced us to a whole new world outside of traditional agriculture, deer hunting and soil health! I am learning about the relationship between hunting and soil health. Just like most things, you need to take it back to the source. How did this deer get into this place and...Read More
Recently, I attended the Wyoming Stock Growers Association’s Cattlemen’s Convention and Tradeshow in Gillette, Wyoming. While driving up I noticed the diversity in the livestock in rangeland grazing. Most grazers were beef cattle. I also saw horses, sheep with lambs and goats with kids. Additionally, deer and pronghorn were sharing many of these rangeland grazing...Read More
Recently, here at Ward Laboratories, Inc., birds have been the topic of conversation. We have had birds in nest over our doorways: birds in nests in surrounding trees: and even birds in the ceiling! Additionally, being located in Kearney, NE, we see our fair share of avid bird watchers who are drawn to the area...Read More
Intermittently, I receive a phone call asking me about the interpretation of a feed analysis for wild animals as opposed to domesticated livestock whose nutrient requirements I am more familiar with. These phone calls usually make me do a little more research and I learn something new about animal nutrition with each inquiry. The first...Read More